Saturday, 24th August 2024, 1:51 PM. My smartphone notifies me of a new, exceptionally important email. Three files are attached. A quick glance, and it's immediately clear: the regulations for PACERACE 2024 have arrived.
Can't be that hard to read on a small phone display, right? But something feels different from last year. The document is 4 pages long, and the waypoints are also included as GPX and KML files. Something's definitely up...
Nearly two weeks later, on September 6th, I set off with the DSR/X, also known as 'I and ES', towards Weyarn at the Irschenberg. The base camp, as well as the start and finish for our PACERACE, is at the Hotel Alter Wirt.

Until that day, I came up with countless ideas for route choices, discarded them, changed the sequence of waypoints, reversed them, planned a highway section, threw it out, put it back in, planned version 1, version 1A, scrapped version 2, and did all sorts of hocus-pocus. A wild journey before the journey, huh?
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